Sleep Soundly


Enjoy deep, relaxing sleep without making an effort. This 2-track recording includes advice and tips on the changes you can make to your usual routine, as well as a soothing, hypnotic audio recording to listen to at night.

We all long for a restful night’s sleep and yet so many of us find it hard to achieve. Studies show that over 50% of us struggle to sleep well and women in particular are affected. This ruins the quality of life not only during the night, but also during the day as tiredness and irritability take over.

Recording duration:
Track 1 - 3minutes 31seconds
Track 2 - 20minutes

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Experts are now beginning to recognize a lack of sleep as a serious health problem as it can lead to illnesses such as diabetes, depression and obesity. Sleeplessness is caused by your thinking and feeling as you “try” to get to sleep – before long, it becomes impossible to break this cycle as the habit of staying awake takes hold. Gentle, relaxing hypnosis can re-educate and encourage your mind to move away from usual patterns of wakefulness, helping you to sleep more easily.

Alicia is known for her soothing hypnotic voice and this, together with the relaxing music, will guide you into a state of deep, long lasting sleep. Embedded into the hypnotic language on this recording, is a visualization technique that will enable you to release the stresses of the day leaving you at peace to simply sleep.

It’s best to listen to this for a minimum of 4 days per week until you get the desired change in behaviour. Thereafter the recording should be played to boost the positive effect as and when needed.